Get Luxembourg ESIM and VPN from FlowVPN

Flow VPN offers unlimited Luxembourg VPN services.
Now with Luxembourg ESIM for iPhone and Android phones.

Last Updated: 2024-05-20 09:19:17 CDT

Get 1GB ESIM for Luxembourg for $ 15 including 1 Month Free VPN Subscription

Get Unlimited VPN for Luxembourg from $ 1.99

Heading to Luxembourg? Holidaying in Luxembourg?

Get online with a Global eSIM from FlowVPN in Luxembourg, or connect to our unlimited Luxembourg VPN servers.

FlowVPN has VPN servers in 60+ countries, and offers a 4G enabled Global eSIM for your phone or tablet that can be used in Luxembourg.

Signup now and get VPN access from $ 1.99 per month, or VPN & eSIM services from just $ 15.

What is the best VPN for Luxembourg?

VPN Services are available to access from Luxembourg, and FlowVPN has infrastructure in this region giving you fast, unlimited access to the Internet. Our VPN local servers are in a data centre close to Luxembourg.

Sign up to get Luxembourg VPN with FlowVPN now

As well as servers near Luxembourg (Luxembourg), FlowVPN has 100s of servers located in 60+ countries giving you the freedom of fast, unlimited VPN.

Get VPN IPs in Luxembourg

FlowVPN has multiple servers in Luxembourg giving you access to local IPs. Get unlimited VPN access to Luxembourg through FlowVPN’s global network.

Get a huge discount! Unlimited VPN for $1.99!

Sign-up to FlowVPN with VPN Promotion / Coupon Code COUNTRY-LUXEMBOURG-VPN-PROMOTION for just $1.99 for your first month – almost half the normal price!

Luxembourg VPN Services

Flow VPN provides VPN services from our host near Luxembourg, Luxembourg. The servers near Luxembourg is part of our high speed global network spanning 100+ locations in more than 60 countries. We provide unlimited Luxembourg VPN services with a free trial, protecting your data allowing you to access the Internet privately and securely. We do not artificially cap your bandwidth.

We have multiple servers in Luxembourg providing a fast and reliable connection.

Our VPN Servers close to Luxembourg (Luxembourg) support standard VPN protocols including WireGuard, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, IKEv2, OpenVPN and SSH VPN. We have clients available for iPhone, macOS, Windows and Android – download the FlowVPN app from your App Store or sign-up now.

How fast are Internet connections in Luxembourg?

In Luxembourg, Internet connection speeds are generally high compared to global standards. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Average Speeds: The average fixed broadband download speed in Luxembourg is around 150 Mbps, and upload speeds average about 75 Mbps.
  • Fiber Optic: Many areas in Luxembourg have access to fiber optic connections, offering speeds up to 1 Gbps or higher.
  • Mobile Internet: 4G LTE coverage is widespread with average download speeds of around 50 Mbps. 5G networks are being rolled out, promising even higher speeds.

Overall, Luxembourg boasts some of the fastest Internet connections in Europe, thanks to significant investments in telecommunications infrastructure.

Is the Internet censored in Luxembourg?

No, the Internet is not heavily censored in Luxembourg. The country generally respects freedom of speech and access to information. However, like many countries, Luxembourg has measures in place to block illegal content such as:

  • Child pornography
  • Hate speech
  • Content that incites violence

Luxembourg follows EU regulations and directives regarding internet censorship and data privacy. While there might be some monitoring and filtering to comply with legal requirements, the overall environment is considered to be open and permissive in terms of internet access.

Is pornography restricted in Luxembourg?

Yes, pornography is subject to restrictions in Luxembourg. The country has various regulations in place to control the distribution and access to pornographic material. Some key points include:

  • Age Restrictions: Access to pornographic material is restricted to individuals who are 18 years or older.
  • Distribution: The distribution of pornography is regulated, and there are laws against the dissemination of illegal pornographic content such as child pornography.
  • Public Display: Public display or advertisement of pornographic material is generally prohibited.

Violations of these regulations can result in legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

What is the current internet penetration rate in the Luxembourg?

Sure, here is the information provided as per your request:

According to recent data, the internet penetration rate in Luxembourg is approximately 97% as of 2023.

  • Internet Penetration Rate: 97%
  • Year: 2023

How concerned are people in Luxembourg about data privacy?

Data privacy is a significant concern for people in Luxembourg. Here are some key points:

  • Strong Data Protection Laws: Luxembourg enforces robust data protection regulations that align with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • High Awareness: Citizens are becoming increasingly aware of their data rights and the importance of protecting personal information.
  • Public and Private Sector Compliance: Both public and private sectors are vigilant about complying with data privacy laws to avoid hefty fines and maintain consumer trust.
  • Technological Advancements: With the rise of fintech and other technology-driven industries, concerns around data security and privacy are more prominent.
  • Regulatory Authorities: Luxembourg’s National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) plays a crucial role in monitoring and enforcing data privacy legislation.

What are the cybersecurity challenges faced by internet users in Luxembourg?

Internet users in Luxembourg face several cybersecurity challenges. These include:

  1. Phishing Attacks: Cybercrimes involving fraudulent emails or websites to steal personal information.
  2. Malware: Malicious software that can damage or disrupt systems, steal sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access.
  3. Ransomware: A form of malware that encrypts a user’s data and demands payment for the decryption key.
  4. Data Privacy Issues: Concerns over the handling, storage, and sharing of personal data by companies and the government.
  5. Social Engineering: Techniques used by cybercriminals to trick individuals into divulging confidential information.
  6. Weak Passwords: Usage of simple, easily guessable passwords that can be cracked by attackers.
  7. Insufficient Security Awareness: Lack of knowledge and vigilance among users regarding potential cybersecurity threats and best practices.
  8. Network Vulnerabilities: Security weaknesses in home or public Wi-Fi networks that can be exploited by attackers.
  9. IoT Vulnerabilities: Insecure Internet of Things devices that can be hacked to gain entry into home or business networks.
  10. Supply Chain Attacks: Cyber threats targeting third-party vendors to compromise their clients’ systems.

Addressing these challenges requires a combination of awareness, robust security measures, and consistent monitoring.

What are the most visited websites in Luxembourg?

Based on recent data, here are some of the most visited websites in Luxembourg:

  • Google – A premier search engine used globally for information retrieval.
  • Facebook – A leading social media platform for connecting with friends and family.
  • YouTube – A popular video-sharing platform for entertainment and educational content.
  • – A major Luxembourg news and media website.
  • Amazon – An e-commerce giant offering a wide range of products.
  • – A well-known website for news and information concerning cross-border workers in Luxembourg.
  • – A widely used content management system and blogging platform.
  • – Another popular news site in Luxembourg.
  • LinkedIn – A professional networking site.
  • – A notable site for travel services and hotel reservations.

What are the most popular social media platforms in the Luxembourg?

The most popular social media platforms in Luxembourg are:

  1. Facebook – Known for its wide reach among various age groups.
  2. Instagram – Favored for sharing photos and visual content, particularly among younger users.
  3. WhatsApp – Widely used for messaging and group chats.
  4. LinkedIn – Popular among professionals and businesses.
  5. Twitter – Used for news, updates, and quick communication.
  6. Snapchat – Popular among younger demographics for its ephemeral messaging.
  7. TikTok – Gaining popularity with short-form video content.
  8. YouTube – Widely used for video content and vlogs.

These platforms have a significant user base and are utilized for a variety of purposes, from personal communication to professional networking and entertainment.

Luxembourg VPN Server Status

The Luxembourg VPN Server operated by FlowVPN was last automatically tested at: 2024-05-20 09:19:17 CDT
This test checks the server uptime and availability, as well as verifying all services are operating as expected.

Our servers are constantly monitored to ensure there are no issues. We use internal monitoring tools as well as multiple third party providers to ensure all services are regularly checked and benchmarked so we can identify any potential issues.

Luxembourg Facts

Luxembourg Top Level Domain: .lu
Currency: Euro